Fukuyama Koto
Fukuyama Koto
Included: 14 bridge set, a torii stand, a songbook stand, and a carrying case - making the Koto easy to transport wherever you decide to play or display it.
Shokunin: Fujii
Made in: Hiroshima prefecture
Dimensions: 6 ft
Care: Avoid direct sunlight. Store in a room with good airflow.
Whether you create it or simply consume it, you love music. Especially the ancient tunes of Japan.
They make you think of the silent nights and warm spring mornings where you watch nature move its course.
But constantly playing the stringed tales of ancient Japan on streaming sites kills the vibe. It’s all starting to feel dry and dull.
You want the raw feeling of the strings floating across your skin.
The player dawned in a flowered kimono. Eyelids lowered as she wields the seductive forces of the Koto across your palette.
But Japan isn’t next door. Current world circumstances make it even harder to reach in person.
No matter. That is why I am here.
While I’m no musician, I understand how they pull together seemingly disparate energies together to form one cohesive feeling.
One emotion that tells you the story of you wandering through "your Japan."
That’s why I traveled to Fukuyama City in the Hiroshima region to meet one of the last official Koto producers in Japan.
I'm not talking about the mass, machine-produced Koto that make the tunes sound...wooden.
I'm talking about authentic paulownia wood massaged by experienced hands into the same Koto you could hear centuries ago in the courts of royals and exclusive artists salons.
Fujii-san is one of the last of a dying breed. He works alone, while his wife handles logistics of orders and customer service.
I called him and drove nearly 6 hours to document his story in his studio.
Then, I packaged it all for you to dig into once you order this Koto.
Simply hit the “Add to Cart” button.
Then his story and all the magic that Koto holds in its jaws will be yours.
Otherwise, you will remain stuck in the ruts of streaming wastelands where they rob you of your sensory experience and the true essence of what raw instrumental music can do for the soul.