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    40+ Direct Connections with Master Japanese Artisans


Experience Thrillers & Fantasy Romance novels based in Japan that make you think

1 of 3
  • "A thrilling and otherworldly quest amongst the art and artisans in Japan."


    I've been reading Brandon's emails for a while, and finally grabbed one of his books.

    I'm glad I did.

    I was impressed with his attention to details and the main character development.

    I could feel that Brandons experiences traveling around Japan, interviewing masters of craft - the Shokunin -really led his writing.

    The narrative flowed smoothly, the characters introduced along the way were interesting and quirky, and the emotional and physical intensity ratcheted up as the story developed.
    Overall a great read.

    Looking forward to further books in this series.

    Joel V.L. / Canada

    Shokunin Universe

  • "Like the works of Confucius told by Tarantino"


    As a reader we are pushed from pillar to post, from the here and now, to post apocalyptic survivalism, to futuristic science fiction, to prehistoric times, and then back again in an eclectic mix of genres which left me exhausted, yet strangely spiritually calm; it’s like the works of Confucius told by Tarantino.

    Dohai / Amazon Customer

    Enter the Blockchain

  • "It’s a story of the other, facing the other, in the mirror."


    Chin’s The Nanking Revolution is a beautifully woven tale that lifts the edges of the decorative carpet of a motley humanity, to expose the ugliness and crudity that lurks below the surface of our collective skins.

    It’s a history set in a particular time, but one that still echoes through all time, affecting all who identify as human, forcing us to grapple with the very definitions of this humanness we seek or claim to embrace.

    It’s a story of the other, facing the other, in the mirror; otherness is only a mere reflection of who the subject claims (or not) to be.

    Scottie / Amazon Customer

    The Nanking Revolution


Explore authentic pieces from master Japanese artisans so that you can breathe better

What collectors are saying

Meet the Author

Brandon Chin is a Jamaican-Chinese hybrid born in the US who sees the world just the same: a mash-up of different stories. He spends his time asking questions through his writing. He's been featured on NHK World (4x times), Yahoo Finance, Navitime Travel, Business of Fashion, and FluentU for his experience in Japan. After living all over Japan for close to a decade, he's now based in Itoshima, Fukuoka.

His mission is to funnel his experience in Japan through his books to both entertain and challenge readers.

Read his story